England 1871 - 1905

The history of the Ient (or Jent) family in England starts in the 1870s. Nearly 140 year ago. We know that Karl Jent (pronounced Yent) arrived in London some time before 1879 from Bebenhausen, in southern Germany (near Stüttgart). His younger sister, Louise Jent, came with.

Whitehall – Trafalgar Monument at the turn of the 19th century

This chapter traces the places and events in this period, and there are 6 short sections:

Germany & London – 1871 to 1866
The Ient Family's First Home in London
Return to London
Death of Franzista
Oxford – 1890s
London – 1890s to 1905

Germany & London – 1871 to 1866

Why we don't know exactly why Karl came to England, but one can guess. Germany, at the time, was not a unified country, but a new federation of principalities. In 1871, this German federation had just won the Franco/Prussian war, but the underlying economy was in a very bad state. One can only assume that the prosperous economy of the British Empire was an attractive option. Plus, there was an Anglo-German monarch on the throne – Queen Victoria. England offered employment for a young stonemason, which was Karl's craft. In London, there was a building boom (see the article on this website about London).

Sometime before 1879, he met another German (not unsurprisingly as, I guess, they both had German as their first language), Franzista Margaretha Henrietta von Felten. She was already living in London with her parents. Her father, Frederick von Felten, the earliest recorded person associated with the Jent/Ient family, was living at Camberwell Green in London.

The Census Records of 1871 confirm that Frederick lived at 1 Mosedale Street, St Giles, Camberwell, London, with his wife, Marie, also from Germany, and his daughter.

Frederick was born in Prussia (transcribed by the census as Germany) in 1839. He was a Japanner by trade or, as shown on the Census Record, an 'artistic decorator'. His skill was in the reproduction of Japanese lacquered furniture and it is known that production of such furniture occurred in Germany, France and Holland, as well as England, at this time. For more information on Japanning, go to the links page: Japanning

Karl and Franzista were married at Islington Parish Church on 28 September 1879. Frederick and Marie, the bride's parents, were not present at the wedding. The marriage certificate records Karl's name as Karl Gottlob Jent and his address as The Stand. Franzista is noted as a 'minor', being only 18 years old (b.1861). Her address was given as 8 Lavinia Grove, London.

The Ient Family's First Home in London

Karl and Franzista first lived at 9 George Street, London. Then they lived at 8 Pomfret Road, Cold Harbour Lane, London. After the return from Paris, they lived at 23 Acorn Buildings, Peckham.

Whilst at George Street, Karl and Franzista's daughter Mary was born in 1880 and their son Frederick Karl was born on 3 April 1881.

In the 1881 census, it shows that 15 people were living at 9 George St. Of these, Karl Ient and his family numbered 4:
Karl Ient (head) aged 22, Franciska (wife) aged 21, Marie (daughter) aged 11 months,  Frederick (son) aged 1 day. 

The 1881 census shows that Franciska was registered as coming from Hanover, Germany, and Karl was registered as coming from Wurtemburg, Germany.

When their second son, Philip Franz Belandt, was born on 27 September 1882, they had moved to 8 Pomfret Road, Cold Harbour Lane, London. Philip and Mary (Marie?) died in childhood.


In 1883, the family went to Paris, France, and were there for the birth of Charles Frederick on 16 October. That is all we know as fact. Dennis Young (Pauline Ient's son) recalls his discussions with Charles Frederick Ient (Karl's son) in the '30s, where Charles said he recalled going to Paris to visit relations when he was very young.

Return to London

Some time in early 1884, the family returned to England, finding a home at 23 Acorn Buildings, Peckham.

Death of Franzista

On 16 February 1886, Franzista died in St Thomas' Hospital, Lambeth. The cause of death was hernia obstruction; she was 25 years of age.

Oxford – 1890s

Some few years later, Karl visited Oxford, possibly regarding his work as a stone mason. He re-married Julia Ann Thurley Hemmings on 8 April 1894 at the Parish Church St Mary Magdalene, Oxford. She was 28 years old, born 1865. This time the marriage certificate recorded the groom's name as Charles Ient. He may have lived there for a few years, but soon returned to London with his new wife.

The marriage certificate confirms: Charles (Karl) Ient, aged 35 married Julia Ann Thorley Hemmings, aged 30. Julia was living at 52 George Street. Charles was registered as living at 30 Orkney Street, Battersea, and as a widower. His profession was mason; Charles’s father was listed as an excise officer. Julia's father was listed as James Thorley Hemmings, a bricklayer. The witnesses were Frank and Ada Thorley Hemmings. This confirms Charles (Karl) was born in 1859. The spelling of Charles' (Karl's) name shows clearly as an I rather than a J as the bottom of the I does not fall 'below the line'; whereas on the same document, the way Julia is written the J falls well below the line. For more on the 'Ient' spelling see: Ient-Jent Spelling

Karl's sister, Louise, was with him when he first went to Oxford. She met and married a coachman, Tom Bond. I believe they initially lived in Oxford, but later moved to Tom's family home at Knockholt, Kent.

London 1890s to 1905

The family established itself in London and Julia and Charles (Karl) Ient had seven children: Katherine Louise, born 1894; Godfrey, born 1896 (who later died as a child); Thomas, born 1897; Philip James, born 1899; Pauline, born 1901; George, born 1903; and Albert Victor, born 1905.

By the time my father, Albert, was born in 1905, they were firmly established in London. By this time, they were living at Warsill Street, Battersea. This became the main family home right into the 1930s. Prior to this, they had lived at 54 Warriner Gardens. In the 1901 census, Charles (42) and Julia (36) were living at 54 Warriner Gardens, Battersea. Charles was listed as stonemason. The name does look like an I rather than a J, as the bottom of the I does not fall below the line, whereas on the same document 'Julia' and other names beginning with J are written with the J falling well below the line. Their children at this time were:

Katherine – 6
Thomas – 4
Phillip – 2
Pauline – 2 months

Charles' (Karl's) sons from his first marriage were not at home in 1901, as they were both in the army.

Both Warriner Gardens and Warsill Street are shown on the map below:

As you can see both these house are quite close – and are near to Battersea Park.

For more on the period from 1905 onward see Eras. For more on London and Oxford, see Epochs & Places. Also see the various Biographies for more details.

Previous page: America 1860 - 1900
Next page: England 1905 - 1948